Yup, I've been slacking off. After being tired all week and then having a great run on Thursday I then took the liberty of almost taking the day off on Friday. I had planned on at least 1hr but everthing seemed to conspire with me and ended up only getting one measly mile in before cutting the run short. Ended up quitting early so Jo and I could get on the road to pick up Steph from the Agricultural College in Truro. Besides, I deserved a day off for a change, right?
Successful and uneventful trip and on the way home we dropped off at Double Diamond Stables where we visited some horsey friends of Steph's and some real people too. The baby horses were full of life, one of which is a full sister to the horse, Thea, that Steph is riding in Truro. We took a bunch of pics which are now on this site. Here's a pic of Thea who is 2 1/2 years old.
And her baby sister, Lexie who was born in May (7 months old). Very cute and full of beans. We we arrived at the barn Lexie and another colt started racing around the small corral at top speed. It was quite a show!
Safely back home and had time for a quick end of week run. Did a 1 hour out and back along the main highway for a total of 7.5 miles. Because of the missed days and shortened runs my weekly total is only 55. I'm going to need a couple of big weeks to finish off the year and catch up to Olga but know that 3000 is in my sights. Now it's time to get prepared to return to the 'Scene of the Crime' for another long run with 100 mile Andrew.
Take care and Happy Holidays!
ps. good wishes and luck to Robb Runner who is now on his amazing family road trip!
So this is Christmas
3 weeks ago
Cool horse pics! Hope you get your mileage up next week. I got some make-up work to do myself.
Aww, what a pretty hourse! Just want to pet it...
MiKe you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!!!
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