Nuff said, no excuses, wimped out and stayed home this weekend. Well maybe a few excuses because for some reason I feel should at least explain the lack of a Grand Manan 1/2 marathon race report in the proceedings of my so called running career.
The decision was made actually the night before when I consciously refused to allow myself to prepare things like my gear, lay out breakfast and coffee and set the alarm in order to wake up in time to leave by 630 to catch the 730 ferry. Despite the obvious signals from the controlling brain my body still resisted and I had a rather sleepless night and was wide awake before 600am. I read this as the body saying "Lets go, I'm ready!" while the brain continued to resist and forced the body back to sleep. Maybe it was just as well that I took a break but somehow I felt like I was letting myself down a bit, and this for a race that had only race day registration and is close by (but with a 2.5hr travel time each way). I still can't put my finger on why the race got canned but I've felt a little less enthusiastic about my runs lately. Perhaps it's been the heat and humidity but just as likely it could be the marathon training program that I put together with no built in breaks or cutback weeks.
Plan B was a simple 10 mile run in just under 80 minutes with lots of heat and humidity, followed by a nice cool off dip in the pond, which has been a regular thing lately. It's really nice and refreshing to do this, even if the water temp is only a few degrees cooler than the air temp. It was 24C today in the pond and 26C air temp but my body temp was much warmer than that!
Total for the week of 61 miles with a canned tempo run and missed race. Not quite up to par but it'll have to do.
So this is Christmas
1 month ago
Don't beat yourself up about it. sometimes it is hard to place why - but it is probably something in your body (that you just can't hear clearly) that told you to bag it. Give yourself the break (and don't ruin it by questioning it) and hopefully you'll get that spring back in your step.
Got any trips planned? A run in a new location often helps spice things up.
I guess a cut-back week is in order when you're feeling like that. If you're feeling less than enthusiastic about your runs, take a back seat.
Sometimes the wisest choice we make about a race is not to run it.
Belated Happy Birthday!
Might be time for a cut back week Mike. I would never believe it but I feel great this week. I'm glad I did it!!
Your 10 miles in 80 min are many people's dream time. There's no substitute for being recovered and on fresh legs. Rest and enjoy.
Well at least the body was willing, and it was the mind wanting the rest. Most times its the other way around. Maybe the mind will be a bit more willing after a cutback this week?
I hadn't noticed that your age flip over to 52. Welcome to my world.
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