The marathon photos also now up and I seem to be holding a camera in my hands quite a bit. It helped to keep me distracted from the pain in my legs and feet! Recovery has gone quite well and I feel almost normal today, 3 days after the race. I've only done some easy walking, ice packs on the 1st day and a bit of ibuprofen for a couple of days. May go out for an easy short-short run on Friday, or not. The urge to run is there but I'm not sure if the body is quite ready yet.
See you later!
Pretty cool!
Great story Mike, and front page! I like "3:33" - that's a much better sounding time than, say, "3:27".
Hope you can get out for a trot on the weekend.
Great article Michael! I heard the reporters were waiting on your doorstep for your return.
Hey,you're famous! :) Way to go finishing #10 at Boston! That's pretty awesome, I hope I can manage to do that one day! I'll be back again next year for #2! My body hates me right now and as much as I wish I could go out for a run I know i'd best leave it a little longer...i'm impressed if you go today...i think i might try a little run on sunday if i'm lucky!
local star! all we got in our townie paper was short list of names and times
FANTASTIC article!!!
great write up in the paper mike! congrats again! you think you'll be making the fun run tomorrow? i've got a sore foot but i'll be there :(
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