You just never know how you're going to feel and how the run will go until your shoes are laced up and the first few steps or miles are behind you.
Today was one of those days where I was just dragging my butt all day. The walk to work was nice but the legs were tired and sore. All day at work the legs complained and the hamstrings were noticeably weak. In the back of my mind the question 'how in the hell am I going to run 13 miles today when it's a chore to just walk down the hall for a glass of water?'. Meanwhile, it was another unseasonably nice sunny warm spring-like day just begging for a runner to get out and enjoy it. Finally, I bugged out a bit early using some banked time but the one mile trudge home held out little promise for the upcoming challenge.
But suddenly, like magic everything changed! Once dressed in shorts and a long sleeve shirt (when was the last time this happened here in January?) and starting the run at an easy jog it was like someone turned a switch on. This had to be one of the easiest and most effortless runs in ages. After the blahs from last week and the way things were looking earlier it was a most unexpected gift from the running gods. Am I getting fitter or is Friday the 13th just my lucky day?? Like the great weather, I won't complain and will just take it as it comes.
Managed a decent pace (8:30 or less) with total time of about 1:50. As I mentioned it was a warm sunny day near 10C (50F) with only a light wind. It cooled a bit on the return leg as the sun was going down and the wind picked up a bit but the nice sunset made up for any discomfort. It was a great day for a run and could have used a camera again.
So this is Christmas
2 months ago
That must have been a pleasant surprise.
I always find a good run perks up any day. I had a bad day on Tuesday but a run with great friends washed it all away.
Things always get better for me once I change into my running gear and head out the door. Getting out the door is the hard part for me (especially during the winter months). Yesterday here in Tennessee: 50s. Today when we had our 13 mile run: 32. Crazy weather!
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