That is the question... some days it's whether I've got enough time to write, other days, well if it's only a short jaunt and not much happened, it might just not be 'blogworthy' (a real word with it's own website and you can buy the t-shirt!). It doesn't really matter how many people read my ramblings either but it's nice to get comments and feedback.
A blog can also be handy for looking for patterns and problems on the mental side of running that don't get put in the paper log. Take my ups and downs over the past several weeks and the issue of really bad days on Thursdays. Well it turns out (a theory only) that the problem may be overdoing things on Weds and just not having anything left for the next day. So...the plan this week is to really overdo it on Weds, ie. following the plan for 15 miles with hills, and then take it very easy the next day. We shall see shortly...
Actually there were some blogworthy events today. First, I received my Boston entry confirmation email and am now in the entrants list. Yay!!
"This is to notify you that your entry into the 110th Boston Marathon on Monday, April 17, 2006 has been accepted, provided that the information you submitted is accurate.
You can verify your acceptance into the field by searching the 110th Boston Marathon "Entrants" database on the B.A.A. web site, or Additionally, a "Confirmation" postcard will be mailed to you via US Postal Service mail."
And secondly, in the actual running department, I managed to get another double in with a 6:45am treadmill run of 4 miles, slow-slow and then a noontime run of 6 miles which felt even slower but my watch begged to differ. The treadmill weather was perfect (as always), while the outdoor conditions were sliding downhill with a nor'easter bearing down on us. Mostly just wind and a few flurries so far and hopefully the storm will skirt our area so I can get in the tough run planned for tommorrow. And then maybe there will be more to blog about ;-)
So this is Christmas
2 months ago
Mike, your stuff is always blogworthy. I'd pout if I scanned my bloglines list and there was no post from my fav eastern running buddy (sorry Andrew - *grin*).
I tend to blog a little bit less when I have not put in a good run and I also like to have a little more detail on the record than I put down in my log book. My log book is usually pretty boring.
Mike, you are blogworthy my man. I used the count technique from one your posts during my death march in Miami. Congrats on the Boston entry -- its hundreds of miles of effort and dedication printed on ounces of recycled paper.
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