Not actually that much to blog about lately. It's been just a matter of trying to put the runs in and slowly build up the miles again.
On Thursday it was a simple 6 mile loop around town from work and the watch played a few tricks on me once again. I'd set it up for a series of 4x800m repeats with 1:00 breaks but was surprised to see the timer start the workout immediately. It's neat the way you get various bells and whistles during the run, warning beep as the repeat comes to a close and then another warning as the rest period ends and it's time to go again. Didn't really 'go' that hard but simply upped the tempo a bit on each 1/2mile with pace down to 6:40 for the last one.
Friday was another rainy day run, we've had a string of cloud and rain here lately. Managed to get in almost 11 miles in 86:00 around the Ghost Road and Point loop at what felt like a fairly easy pace. Legs were a bit sore at the end and the achilles was tight again but not unduly so. Also tried out one of the alarm functions on the watch getting to beep at me every mile. With all these function the darn thing can get a little distracting at times; might need to leave it home once in awhile...
Saturday, 1st day of our long Victoria Day weekend and of course the forecast is for rain all 3 days! Just did an easy out and back for 8 miles at about 8:00 pace. Legs were still tight and the sun actually came out unexpectedly which was nice. After the run the rest of the day was spent doing yard work and pond plumbing refits so that our pump doesn't get flooded again. I'll try to get some pictures later to show the results to keep the fish happy.
Sunday: It's also been awhile since the Boyden Lake crowd has had a chance to get together for our Sunday long runs. This week Andrew is still in recovery, Jon is off to the Sugarloaf Marathon and Steph is just taking a break (I think). And so it was just little ole me left to carry the flag this week but decided to stay close to home instead of doing the 40 minute drive across the border. The plan today was simply to get a 2 hour run in somehow despite waking up feeling blah and generally tired. Hmmm, too much yard work maybe? Didn't get underway till after noon following church and then a few adjustments to the pump setup before heading out.
Started out at a good clip with the 1st 5miles around town in under 40 before a quick stop at home for extra gatorade. Finished out the remainder of the run as an out and back in Bayside which has a nice ocean view all along the route. The only problem with it is being along the main highway into St. Andrews. Looking at my mile splits the rest of the run must have been primarily uphill but finished up with 16 miles in 2:09 (8:03 overall pace). Also ended up with fresh blisters and sore feet from the new 'Boston' Mizuno's which are starting to be a real pain.
Totals for the past few weeks have been 42 and 46 mi/wk with year to date at 1184. Now only a week to go for the Cabot Trail weekend which is always a good time running event. Hopefully I'll be more blog inspired and will have some exciting news and pictures to report.
I hope all my readers have a great week, enjoy it!
Jag hoppas alla min avläsare har en viktig vecka, tycker om den!
So this is Christmas
1 month ago
What the hell did the last phrase mean? You got me focused on it only!
You must be suffering from Post Boston Stress Disorder, or a feeling of the blahs. The race next weekend should be a good cure.
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