Just a short post to comment on my almost total lack of running this week which is meant to be week one of the 18 week buildup to Wineglass, yeah right. Since the Cabot Trail relay this past Sunday I've only managed to run twice and it's been a combination of a) being barely able to walk, let alone run due to very sore muscles and b) extreme busyness at work and c) just a slight lack of desire and a need to get a bit more rest.
a) the sore muscle part - due to the racing on tired legs over very hilly terrain, especially the downhills and resultant muscle damage to the quads mainly. Ensuing pain and soreness was much like the post-marathon muscle disorder but did not have to resort to walking down stairs backwards; however I did have to zig-zag while walking down even minor inclines. Solution was rest, food, beer, wine and of course ice-cream!
b) extreme busyness at work - can't be helped but can usually be worked around by running early or late. This week this runner was in no condition to even try to run until Weds evening after supper when he attempted a shuffle/slight hobble around the town square for 5 miles at 8:13 pace. The legs were still very tight and it was a slow shuffle.
c) lack of desire - or perhaps a bit of caution before diving into the next training cycle resulted in another day off on Thursday. MMMM more ice-cream and rhubarb crisp MMMM
Three days off in one week when not recovering from a marathon is next to unheard but ... today the work crisis past and I was just chomping at the bit once again. Had the good fortune today to run from work with A, a new co-worker and marathoner who's been threatening to bring his gear and come out with me. It was a perfect, calm, mild day with temps around 20C (70F) and a light sea breeze. We did about 10k in 50:00 and chatted the entire way, enjoying the scenery and being able to just cruise along in comfort.
It's looking like rain here for the weekend and we'll likely stick close to home doing up some of those yard projects that have been put aside lately. I hope all my fellow bloggers have a good weekend, especially Mike, Olga and Rob who are racing while we watch and anxiously await the results.
Good luck everyone!
So this is Christmas
1 month ago
Mike - You deserve a few days rest after the Cabot Trail race.
I like your solution to the sore muscle part. Almost makes me wish I was in the same condition.
I'll be in Maine the week of July 17th and will be spending a day or two in Calais. Would love to try to get a run in with you and Andrew if schedules permit.
We will definitely get together. Looking at the calendar there is a 1/2 marathon on Grand Manan on July 22 that would be a 'cool' run!
Rhubarb crisp. Now that says it all.
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