Sunday - 18 miles on a grey windy day (see above)
Monday- rest
Tues - 11 miles with 6x1000 in about 4:15 each; Trigger Point arrived to work on legs
Weds- tired and sore; 6 miles only
Thurs- 12 miles
Friday - 5 easy
Sat - 8 miles easy
Total of 60 for the week, 660 YTD, 5 weeks to go.
Off to Moncton for meetings all week. After that I get a break. Have a great week!
Not far until taper time. Hang on just a little bit longer.
Excuse me, but I think that photo offensive. Not the sign, but that sand bar behind it. Need you remind us all of that time when you tried to kill me out there on that sand bar? Me with my flimsy shoes and you with kevlar soles. No doubt your plan was to leave me for the incoming tide to overtake me as I tried to crawl to safety.
But you were thwarted along with the ten other attempts on my life that day.
That's some nice mileage for the year Mike. That should serve you well come Patriot's Day.
Good mileage for a crazy work week. Looking forward to your Boston report.
The pictures you have been posting are beautiful, just haven't been able to post replies lately.
You are closing in on race day! You will be tapering soon - I know you'll do great!
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