It was a beautiful morning for a run; calm, clear and only a little on the cold side at -18C (1F) at the start. It warmed up considerably during our run and we were thankful there was no wind at all.

We do have a bit of snow still in the fields but the roads were clear and dry. I met the gang at our usual spot for the Boyden Lake loop. As usual Ozzie was there early, followed by Jon and of course
Andrew bringing up the rear (as well as the coffee). It was a fairly quiet easy run for all of us, covering the 17 miles in 2:24, traffic was almost non-existent but the chatter of runner conversation echoed through the wilderness waking up all the dogs for miles. None were brave enough to challenge a pack of 4 runners though.
At the end of the loop Andrew & I pulled over for coffee and
Tim Horton's chocolate balls while Oz and Jon put in a few extra miles. My 'plan' only called for 15 today and this was plenty for me with the continuing soreness in my hamstrings. This has bugged me for quite a while now and it doesn't seem to be getting any better or worse despite daily stretching. It might be time to visit the massage therapist or physiotherapist and get it sorted out.
Nothing too much else to say. The next few weeks are going to be extremely busy with both intense training weeks and work going crazy as I prepare for meetings in mid-March. Wish me luck and have a good week!
Mmmmmmmmm, Tim Horton's....
Hope those hammies start behaving. Nice pics!
Great Photos. Good luck with the intensive training.
It's always good to end a long run with coffee. Good luck in the coming weeks.
Good luck with the juggling of work and work out commitments. It can be a challenge for sure. However your past record shows you are capable so stick with it!
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