Funny, but it just came to me but I needed a good picture and title for my post and stumped it is! It's my newest reason for a running problem or lack of performance this weekend because believe it or not I got 'stumped'.
You see, it's been a hectic last month or so with my work pressure keeping me very busy but I've still been able to get the runs in. The mileage has been good in the mid-40's with this week the highest in awhile at 56 with a tough 20 miler today.
Tough barely begins to describe the survival run that I endured today. Endurance now has a new meaning in my vocabulary as it started out with sore tired legs despite the day off (notice the nice blank space in the graph) yesterday...
But did I take it easy yesterday, rest up, hydrate, stay off my feet for the 1st 20 miler in this training cycle? Oh no, not me! No it was time to get some major yardwork (i.e. Honey Do) chores cleaned up with a couple of very large dying birch trees needing some special attention. Four hours later, they were down, wood was stacked and 2 large 'stumps' were all that was left. The scary part, is there is still another tree waiting but my chainsaw is too small and will have to wait for another day and a bigger power tool.
I didn't feel too bad last night but this morning before my run even started I was massaging my sore hammies from all the heavy lifting they did on their 'day off'. The run went downhill from there, despite lovely sunshine and temps approaching 9C (45F) but the legs just weren't co-operating as 9:30/mi pace was the fastest I could manage. Halfway through the run I made a stop at home for more gatorade and was very tempted to stop and cut the run short. However, thinking of my Twitter friend Mrs. V running a 20 miler at the same virtual time on the west coast kept me going. Eventually, after 3+ hrs of pounding my agony was finally over and the rest of the day has been spent in the safety of my trusty couch. I may even take a day off tomorrow as well.
Anyway, have a good week and keep on running!
So this is Christmas
4 weeks ago
The last tree was "too small for my chainsaw"? The ones you cut down look pretty big to me! Not the ideal prep for a 20 mile run, but no use arguing with "she who must be obeyed". 9.30 miles is still better than I can manage for a long run. Happy day off if you have one :)
I can't believe you did that on your rest day!
You are so sweet, and I couldn't have appreciated this post more!!
What you need is a full day using one of those big Paul Bunyan double-sided axes, while wearing the Monty Python lumberjack outfit, swinging it all day - you could call it a core workout!
Seven weeks until Big Sur!
now that's a little more manly than those pictures of crocus's
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