The vacation was great but it's good to be home at last! Here are a few highlight pics...
The whole clan together, not forgetting the center of attention.
Family gatherings and great meals...
And drinks! This was a nice little ice wine treat (mmmm)!
A hike at the Mono Cliffs was very interesting and enjoyable.
And the Toronto Zoo is always fun!
I've done alot of driving over the past few weeks, topped off with a 14 hour drive home on Friday. At least with 3 drivers in the van the trip seemed a bit shorter than when I used to do it all myself.
And of course there was still a little running too. After surviving my Tues interval session with no immediate effects, Weds was just an easy 7 miles after all day on the road and taking in the African Lion Safari. The legs were only a little stiff and not especially sore or tired, however not the 14 or so that I would have liked.
On Thurs there was only time for a quick 6 miles before heading off to the zoo and then begining the trek home by driving east and staying with Jo's sister for the night. We had a fabulous meal and get together and were in bed by 11pm. That night I had a terrible sleep with sore aching legs and my hamstrings feeling like they had been wrung through the wringer or as if I'd done squats all day long. I'd guess it was either delayed muscle onset sydrome from the 800m repeats on Tues or less likely, the walking we did at the zoo. Anyhow, it was painful and keep me writhing for 1/2 the night; just what I needed before the long drive home...
The drive home was actually rather uneventful, we kept switching drivers and made a stop every few hours and it didn't seem as long as usual (except the last hour over the 'Airline' from Bangor).
Today, Saturday I slept in till 8am, lazed around and went out for an expected 8-10 depending on how I felt. This was after reading my emails and blogs and reconnecting with Andrew. Turns out that I'll be able to meet him for the old Boyden Lake loop on Sunday morning for 20-22 miles and so in the forefront of my mind was the message 'take it easy today or A will be eating you for breakfast tomorrow!'. But you know what happens after a few easy days this week and a 2nd missed day due to travel; the legs and body just felt great! Cruised through the 10 miles at 7:56 pace and will be paying the piper on Sunday.
Total for this week was a miserly 43 miles. Houston we are now in taper mode, only 28 days to go.
So this is Christmas
4 weeks ago
28 days... A running rehab.
Nice family photos. Your vacation sounded marvelous and it's always a pleasant treat to have multiple drivers for the long drive home.
Sorry that your calf muscles were giving you trouble and hope that they're feeling better now.
Best of luck on your taper.
I love the Toronto Zoo! I don't think I've ever seen that statue of the lizard (komono dragon?) though. Where is it? I know there's one of a hippo.
Good luck on the taper. recover well!
Dragon picture was taken just outside the Australian pavilion. We had a perfect day, sunny, warm, not too hot.
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