Last Long Run Before Boston that is... and it's 'almost' because next weekend I'm planning to run (not race) in a 1/2 marathon in St. Martins which is called just that, LLRBB. But today really was the last long run with the gang (except Steph) out in the wilds of Boyden Lake once again.
The plan for today was 22 miles and we all agreed very forcefully beforehand via a flurry of emails that it would be an 'easy' run, starting slow and tapering from there. None of this tempo or marathon pace would be considered and any deviations would result in said runner being 'ditched' or tripped etc ;-) And that's exactly what happened; we ran easy, more or less and nobody got 'ditched'. Met Andrew and Jon a bit earlier this morning at 6:30 EST. The start of the Shore road loop that we did today is perfect for starting easy with a nice gradual downhill for the 1st mile or so but then a series of decent hills makes it interesting. It was a little cool (1-2C or low 30ies) at the beginning and Jon & I were eyeing Andrews mittens with envy for the 1st few miles until the sun came out and we got warmed up.
This had to be the most relaxing long run we've ever had as a group. Lots of chatting about the usual topics like training, upcoming races, crazy weather, FOOD, work, more FOOD and more training. Before we knew it we were about 11 miles in and here comes Ozzie doing a reverse loop to meet us. We immediately reminded him of the slow pace we were doing and continued along at the same 'feels like' jogging pace. However, Andrew & I kept our eyes open for Steph's freshly painted PINK mile markers (what do you say Dawn?) and measured the next mile in 8:06 and but it felt like 8:45+. Completed the 17 mile loop and then did a 3 mile out and back at a slightly quicker tempo to finish 20 in 2:45. Andrew, Oz & I then jogged a couple more to finish the run in 3:02 (I was tempted to go for 3:07 but decided not to push my luck!).
Felt great for most of the run but my legs were feeling it (tightening up and getting stiff) and was hurting the last 6-7 miles. Again, so nice to stop and walk, have a few cookies and say goodbyes. This running group of our's has been great, making the long runs so much easier, and enjoyable. It'll be a number of weeks now before we'll get together again but it's something that must be continued. Thanks gang!!!
Here are the latest curves on the buildup and now the taper down to Boston over the last 22 weeks and 4+ months. The red line is total weekly mileage and the green line is the long run miles with the dashed part as planned for the coming 3 weeks. If you like numbers (and I love numbers) you have a total of 1130 miles, 6d/week, 15 doubles, 10 long runs of 18+, 6 wks of 60-69/wk, 8 at 70-79/wk and one 80+. These are all pb's for training and now the real test will be whether it equates to results at the other end.
The total for this past week was 81 miles in 11hr 20min with YTD=875 and only 21 days to go ;-) Taper city here I come!!
So this is Christmas
4 weeks ago
Your consistency during the winter is pretty amazing, considering you live in a much colder area.
Well earned taper time to relax before the race.
Paul, you can just copy the timer from my page source code and modify it according to the comment instructions. I got it from Hunter who got it from ... Enjoy!
Good Luck in Boston. One of these days, I will BQ.
I think your chart is such a great (and visually helpful) idea! Wow, what a mileage this year! I will be watching you in Boston's real time update:) Enjoy taper...
Great run. Yeah for pink markers. Have a good race, I mean run next weekend. :-)
It certainly looks like you put the effort into training - you'll do just great in Boston. Just avoid getting sick during the taper.
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